The guide ‘175 Spanish Slang Words & Phrases Every Learner Must Know’ dives deep into the everyday language you’ll hear on the streets. Language is more than just talking; it shows us who we are, reflecting our culture and norms. By learning these phrases, you get a sneak peek into what makes Spanish-speaking communities unique. This isn’t just a language tool; it’s a way to connect culturally. If you’re learning Spanish and want to fit in with the locals, understanding these expressions is crucial.
175 Spanish Slang Words and Phrases
Serial | Slang Word/Phrase | English Translation | Meaning/Usage |
1 | Guay | Cool | Used to describe something awesome or cool |
2 | Chulo | Cute | Can also mean cocky or brash depending on context |
3 | Vale | Okay | Used to agree with someone or acknowledge something |
4 | Tío/Tía | Dude/Girl | Used to refer to a friend or person, regardless of gender |
5 | Guiri | Foreigner | Usually refers to tourists, especially from the UK |
6 | Currar | To work | Informal term for working or having a job |
7 | Pasta | Money | Informal term for cash or money |
8 | Majo/Maja | Nice | Used to describe someone who is nice or pleasant |
9 | Flipar | To flip out | Used when something amazes or surprises you |
10 | Mono/Moni | Cute | Used to describe something or someone cute or adorable |
11 | Mogollón | A lot | Used to describe a large amount of something |
12 | Peña | Crowd | Refers to a group of friends or people |
13 | Chaval/Chavala | Kid | Informal term for a boy or girl |
14 | Tío bueno/Tía buena | Hot guy/girl | Used to describe someone attractive |
15 | Qué chulo | How cool | Used to express admiration or approval |
16 | Molar | To be cool | Used to describe something that you find cool or awesome |
17 | Liar | To mess up | Used when someone has made a mistake or created a problem |
18 | Ser la leche | To be awesome | Used to describe someone or something amazing |
19 | Pasar de | To pass on | Used when you don’t care about something or choose to ignore it |
20 | Pijo/Pija | Snob | Used to describe someone who is snobby or pretentious |
21 | No pasa nada | No problem | Used to reassure someone that everything is okay |
22 | Ir a su bola | To do one’s own thing | Used to describe someone who does their own thing without considering others |
23 | Pavo/Pava | Turkey | Informal term for a silly or clueless person |
24 | Joder | F*** | A strong curse word used to express frustration or anger |
25 | Hostia | Holy crap | An exclamation of surprise or anger |
26 | Chungo | Bad | Used to describe something difficult or bad |
27 | Estar en las nubes | To be daydreaming | Used to describe someone who is distracted or daydreaming |
28 | Ni fu ni fa | So-so | Used to describe something that is neither good nor bad |
29 | Estar en el quinto pino | To be far away | Used to describe something or someone very far away |
30 | Tener mala leche | To be bad-tempered | Used to describe someone with a bad temper |
31 | De puta madre | Awesome | Used to describe something amazing or fantastic |
32 | Ser un borde | To be rude | Used to describe someone who is rude or unpleasant |
33 | Montar un pollo | To cause a scene | Used when someone creates a big fuss or scene |
34 | Ser un pesado | To be annoying | Used to describe someone who is being annoying or bothersome |
35 | Pasarse | To go too far | Used when someone crosses a line or goes too far |
36 | Estar hasta las narices | To be fed up | Used when someone is fed up or has had enough |
37 | Estar de mala leche | To be in a bad mood | Used to describe someone who is in a bad mood |
38 | No tener ni idea | To have no idea | Used when someone has no clue about something |
39 | Ser una gozada | To be a pleasure | Used to describe something very enjoyable |
40 | Me importa un pimiento | I don’t care | Used to express indifference |
41 | Ser un rollo | To be boring | Used to describe something that is boring or tedious |
42 | Alucinar | To be amazed | Used when something surprises or amazes you |
43 | Dejarse de rollos | To stop messing around | Used to tell someone to stop joking or messing around |
44 | No hay tutía | No way | Used to express that something is not going to happen |
45 | Estar al loro | To be alert | Used to describe someone who is alert and paying attention |
46 | Echar una mano | To lend a hand | Used to ask for or offer help |
47 | Ser un pringado | To be a loser | Used to describe someone who is gullible or a loser |
48 | Dar la lata | To annoy | Used when someone is being annoying or bothersome |
49 | Estar petado | To be packed | Used to describe a place that is very crowded |
50 | Ser un friqui | To be a geek | Used to describe someone who is very passionate about a specific interest or hobby |
51 | Estar hecho polvo | To be exhausted | Used to describe someone who is very tired or exhausted |
52 | Hacer el ganso | To fool around | Used to describe someone who is goofing off or being silly |
53 | Estar en apuros | To be in trouble | Used to describe someone who is in a difficult situation |
54 | Ser un chorizo | To be a thief | Used to describe someone who is dishonest or a thief |
55 | Montárselo bien | To have a good time | Used to describe someone who is enjoying themselves |
56 | No me rayes | Don’t bother me | Used to tell someone to stop bothering or annoying you |
57 | Tirar la toalla | To throw in the towel | Used when someone gives up or quits |
58 | Pasarlo bomba | To have a blast | Used to describe having a great time |
59 | Estar en racha | To be on a roll | Used to describe someone who is experiencing a streak of good luck |
60 | Ser un hueso | To be tough | Used to describe someone who is strict or tough |
61 | Estar forrado | To be loaded | Used to describe someone who is very rich |
62 | Dejar plantado | To stand someone up | Used when someone doesn’t show up for a meeting or date |
63 | Echar un vistazo | To take a look | Used to ask someone to look at something |
64 | Dar el coñazo | To annoy | Used when someone is being very annoying |
65 | Estar a tope | To be full | Used to describe something or someone at maximum capacity |
66 | Ser la caña | To be the best | Used to describe something or someone really great |
67 | No dar pie con bola | To mess up | Used when someone can’t get anything right |
68 | Estar frito | To be done for | Used to describe someone in big trouble or exhausted |
69 | Irse de marcha | To go out partying | Used to describe going out to party or clubbing |
70 | Quedarse en blanco | To draw a blank | Used when someone can’t remember something |
71 | Echar la bronca | To scold | Used when someone is being told off or scolded |
72 | Hacer la pelota | To suck up | Used to describe someone who is flattering someone to get something |
73 | Ponerse las pilas | To get on with it | Used to tell someone to hurry up or get to work |
74 | Estar como una cabra | To be crazy | Used to describe someone who is acting crazy |
75 | Hacer el tonto | To play the fool | Used to describe someone acting foolishly |
76 | Ir de guay | To act cool | Used to describe someone trying to act cool or superior |
77 | Quedarse con alguien | To fool someone | Used when someone tricks or deceives someone |
78 | Hacer una faena | To do a dirty trick | Used to describe someone doing something unfair or sneaky |
79 | Ser una y carne | To be inseparable | Used to describe two people who are very close |
80 | Dar el callo | To work hard | Used to describe someone working very hard |
81 | Ir al grano | To get to the point | Used to tell someone to get to the point without wasting time |
82 | Ser un manitas | To be handy | Used to describe someone good at fixing things |
83 | Estar como un tren | To be hot | Used to describe someone very attractive |
84 | Tomar el pelo | To pull someone’s leg | Used to describe joking or teasing someone |
85 | Estar como una regadera | To be crazy | Used to describe someone acting very strange or crazy |
86 | Irse por las ramas | To go off on a tangent | Used to describe someone who is straying from the main topic |
87 | Ser un crack | To be great | Used to describe someone who is very good at something |
88 | Pasar la noche en blanco | To not sleep | Used to describe a sleepless night |
89 | Ser pan comido | To be a piece of cake | Used to describe something very easy |
90 | Estar como una sopa | To be soaked | Used to describe someone very wet |
91 | Tener mala pata | To have bad luck | Used to describe someone who is unlucky |
92 | Ser un bocazas | To be a blabbermouth | Used to describe someone who talks too much |
93 | Estar sin blanca | To be broke | Used to describe someone with no money |
94 | Dar en el clavo | To hit the nail on the head | Used when someone gets something exactly right |
95 | Ser un aguafiestas | To be a party pooper | Used to describe someone who ruins the fun |
96 | Estar como un roble | To be very healthy | Used to describe someone very healthy and strong |
97 | Andar con rodeos | To beat around the bush | Used to describe someone avoiding the main point |
98 | Dar la vuelta a la tortilla | To turn the tables | Used to describe changing the situation to one’s advantage |
99 | Estar en la onda | To be in the loop | Used to describe someone who is up to date or trendy |
100 | Poner los cuernos | To cheat | Used to describe someone being unfaithful |
101 | Dar la cara | To face the music | Used to describe taking responsibility for something |
102 | Estar hasta el gorro | To be fed up | Used when someone is very fed up or annoyed |
103 | Ser un ligón | To be a flirt | Used to describe someone who flirts a lot |
104 | Dar la brasa | To hassle | Used when someone is being persistent or annoying |
105 | Estar hasta el moño | To be fed up | Used when someone is very annoyed or tired of something |
106 | Ser un carroza | To be old-fashioned | Used to describe someone with outdated ideas or style |
107 | Dar el pego | To pass off as real | Used when something looks better than it is |
108 | Estar de buen rollo | To be in a good mood | Used to describe someone in a good mood |
109 | Ser un hueso duro de roer | To be a tough nut to crack | Used to describe someone very tough or difficult |
110 | Dar un toque | To give a heads up | Used to describe giving someone a warning or notice |
111 | Estar a la última | To be trendy | Used to describe someone who follows the latest trends |
112 | Ser un empollón | To be a nerd | Used to describe someone who studies a lot |
113 | Dar la lata | To be a nuisance | Used when someone is being very annoying |
114 | Estar en las nubes | To be daydreaming | Used to describe someone who is distracted or not paying attention |
115 | Ser un pelmazo | To be a bore | Used to describe someone who is very boring |
116 | Darle la lata a alguien | To bother someone | Used when someone is being very annoying to someone else |
117 | Estar en pelotas | To be naked | Used to describe someone who is completely naked |
118 | Ser un gallito | To be cocky | Used to describe someone who is overly confident or brash |
119 | Darle vueltas a algo | To overthink something | Used when someone keeps thinking about something too much |
120 | Estar frito | To be done for | Used to describe someone who is in trouble or exhausted |
121 | Ser una maruja | To be a gossip | Used to describe someone who gossips a lot |
122 | Darse un morreo | To make out | Used to describe a passionate kiss |
123 | Estar petado | To be packed | Used to describe a place that is very crowded |
124 | Ser un pendejo | To be an idiot | Used to describe someone who is being foolish or dumb |
125 | Echar una mano | To lend a hand | Used to ask for or offer help |
126 | Estar a dos velas | To be broke | Used to describe someone with no money |
127 | Ser un matado | To be a loser | Used to describe someone who is not successful |
128 | Echar un polvo | To have sex | Informal term for having sex |
129 | Estar en la luna | To be absent-minded | Used to describe someone who is not paying attention |
130 | Ser un coñazo | To be a pain | Used to describe something or someone very annoying |
131 | Echar una cabezada | To take a nap | Used to describe taking a short nap |
132 | Estar sin blanca | To be broke | Used to describe someone with no money |
133 | Ser un pringado | To be a sucker | Used to describe someone who is gullible or easily taken advantage of |
134 | Echarse un farol | To bluff | Used when someone is pretending or lying about something |
135 | Estar al loro | To be alert | Used to describe someone who is alert and paying attention |
136 | Ser un pardillo | To be naive | Used to describe someone who is inexperienced or naive |
137 | Estar hecho polvo | To be exhausted | Used to describe someone who is very tired |
138 | Ser un fantasma | To be a show-off | Used to describe someone who exaggerates or lies about their accomplishments |
139 | Echar una siesta | To take a nap | Used to describe taking a short rest or nap during the day |
140 | Estar de capa caída | To be down | Used to describe someone who is feeling down or depressed |
141 | Ser un pesado | To be a bore | Used to describe someone who is very annoying or tiresome |
142 | Echar el freno | To slow down | Used to tell someone to slow down or take it easy |
143 | Estar como una cabra | To be crazy | Used to describe someone acting irrational or crazy |
144 | Ser un bocazas | To be a blabbermouth | Used to describe someone who talks too much |
145 | Echar una mano | To lend a hand | Used to offer or ask for help |
146 | Estar en Babia | To be daydreaming | Used to describe someone who is not paying attention |
147 | Ser un figura | To be talented | Used to describe someone who is very talented or skilled |
148 | Echar el hígado | To make a big effort | Used to describe someone putting in a lot of effort |
149 | Estar frito | To be exhausted | Used to describe someone who is very tired |
150 | Ser un soso | To be boring | Used to describe someone who is dull or boring |
151 | Echar la casa por la ventana | To go all out | Used to describe someone who is spending a lot or making a big effort |
152 | Estar de broma | To be joking | Used to describe someone who is joking or not serious |
153 | Ser un bombón | To be very attractive | Used to describe someone who is very good-looking |
154 | Echar la culpa | To blame | Used to describe blaming someone for something |
155 | Estar en las últimas | To be at the end of one’s rope | Used to describe someone who is very tired or out of resources |
156 | Ser un lince | To be very sharp | Used to describe someone who is very clever or perceptive |
157 | Echar chispas | To be very angry | Used to describe someone who is very angry or furious |
158 | Estar de parranda | To be out partying | Used to describe someone who is out having a good time |
159 | Ser un fiera | To be very good at something | Used to describe someone who is very skilled or talented |
160 | Echar el ojo | To have one’s eye on something | Used to describe being interested in something |
161 | Estar de bajón | To be feeling down | Used to describe someone who is feeling sad or depressed |
162 | Ser un hacha | To be very skilled | Used to describe someone who is very good at something |
163 | Echar la siesta | To take a nap | Used to describe taking a short rest during the day |
164 | Estar al loro | To be on the ball | Used to describe someone who is alert and paying attention |
165 | Ser un pelotillero | To be a suck-up | Used to describe someone who flatters others to get what they want |
166 | Echar un cable | To lend a hand | Used to offer or ask for help |
167 | Estar en apuros | To be in trouble | Used to describe someone who is in a difficult situation |
168 | Ser un bicho raro | To be a weirdo | Used to describe someone who is very strange or unusual |
169 | Echar una cana al aire | To have a fling | Used to describe having a brief, casual affair |
170 | Estar de morros | To be sulking | Used to describe someone who is sulking or pouting |
171 | Ser un animal | To be very strong | Used to describe someone who is very strong or tough |
172 | Echar un polvo | To have sex | Informal term for having sexual intercourse |
173 | Estar pez | To be clueless | Used to describe someone who is very inexperienced or clueless |
174 | Ser un patán | To be a jerk | Used to describe someone who is rude or boorish |
175 | Echarse a llorar | To burst into tears | Used to describe someone who starts crying suddenly |
In short, knowing 175 Spanish slang words and phrases helps a lot when you’re trying to speak the language outside of a classroom. This guide doesn’t just grow your vocabulary; it also gives you insight into how people actually talk in different Spanish-speaking places. If you want to speak Spanish well and connect with people, learning these expressions is crucial. They’re key to really getting how people communicate in their everyday lives.

Benjamin, a content writer at Paige Simple, brings a practical and motivating touch to everything he writes. With a background in psychology and a love for personal growth, Benjamin enjoys helping readers find joy in everyday moments. When he’s not writing, you’ll find him hiking, practicing yoga, or experimenting in the kitchen. Stay tuned for Benjamin’s tips on living a more inspired and joyful life.