Knowing slang is as important as formal language to really get American English. Our guide covers 345 key American slang words and phrases. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to get better at everyday conversations in the US. Whether you’re learning English as a second language or just love the local ways of speaking, this list will help you understand what people really mean.
345 American Slang Words and Phrases
No. | Slang | Meaning |
1 | Ace | Excellent or very good |
2 | Ain’t | Am not, are not, is not |
3 | All set | Ready, prepared |
4 | Amped | Excited, enthusiastic |
5 | Antivaxxer | Someone opposed to vaccinations |
6 | Awesome | Excellent, impressive |
7 | Bae | Before anyone else; term of endearment |
8 | Bail | To leave abruptly |
9 | Baller | Successful person, especially in sports or finance |
10 | Bank | Financial institution; to rely on something |
11 | Beat | Tired, exhausted |
12 | Beef | Conflict, disagreement |
13 | Bet | Okay, sure (affirmative response) |
14 | Bling | Flashy, expensive jewelry |
15 | Bounce | To leave |
16 | Bro | Brother; close male friend |
17 | Buggin’ | Acting crazy or irrational |
18 | Burn | Insult |
19 | Bussin’ | Really good, especially food |
20 | Cap | Lie or exaggeration |
21 | Cheugy | Outdated or trying too hard to be trendy |
22 | Chill | Relax; easy-going |
23 | Clap back | To respond to criticism with a counter-attack |
24 | Clutch | Successful in a critical situation |
25 | Cool | Good, okay, or fashionable |
26 | Cop | To buy or acquire |
27 | Crash | To go to sleep; to intrude on an event |
28 | Creeper | Someone who makes others uncomfortable |
29 | Cribs | Homes |
30 | Dank | High quality |
31 | Diss | To disrespect or criticize |
32 | Dope | Excellent, very good |
33 | Down | Willing or ready to do something |
34 | Drip | Fashionable outfit or style |
35 | Drop | To release or publish |
36 | Dunno | Don’t know |
37 | Fam | Family; close friends |
38 | Fire | Excellent, very impressive |
39 | Flex | To show off |
40 | FOMO | Fear of missing out |
41 | Frenemy | Someone who is both a friend and an enemy |
42 | Ghost | To abruptly cut off communication |
43 | Gig | A job, especially a temporary one |
44 | Glow up | A dramatic improvement in appearance |
45 | Goat | Greatest of all time |
46 | Gonna | Going to |
47 | Gotcha | I understand; I’ve got you |
48 | Grind | To work hard |
49 | Guts | Courage |
50 | Hang | To spend time with someone |
51 | Hella | Very, extremely |
52 | High-key | Obviously, openly |
53 | Hype | Excitement; to promote enthusiastically |
54 | IDK | I don’t know |
55 | Ill | Excellent (in a positive sense) |
56 | IMHO | In my honest opinion |
57 | It slaps | It’s really good (often referring to music) |
58 | Jam | A favorite song; to dance or celebrate |
59 | Janky | Of poor quality, unreliable |
60 | Jelly | Jealous |
61 | JOMO | Joy of missing out |
62 | Jones | A strong desire or addiction |
63 | Kick it | To relax or hang out |
64 | Kiki | A social gathering, usually for gossip |
65 | Knock | To criticize |
66 | Legit | Legitimate, authentic |
67 | Lit | Exciting, excellent |
68 | LOL | Laugh out loud |
69 | Low-key | Subtle, restrained, secret |
70 | Meh | Mediocre, unimpressive |
71 | Mood | Relatable feeling or situation |
72 | Nada | Nothing |
73 | Narc | Informant; someone who tells on others |
74 | Ngl | Not gonna lie |
75 | No cap | No lie, for real |
76 | OOTD | Outfit of the day |
77 | Op | Original poster (in online forums) |
78 | Papi chulo | An attractive man |
79 | Peeps | People, friends |
80 | Phat | Excellent, cool (dated) |
81 | Plug | A source for illicit goods or connections |
82 | Pop off | To suddenly start doing something |
83 | Preach | Expressing strong agreement |
84 | Rad | Excellent, cool |
85 | Ratchet | Unpleasant, awful |
86 | Ride or die | Loyal friend or partner |
87 | Salty | Upset, angry |
88 | Same | Expressing agreement or relation |
89 | Savage | Fierce, impressive |
90 | Shook | Shocked, surprised |
91 | Sic | Awesome (dated) |
92 | Simp | Someone who is overly submissive to another |
93 | Sis | Sister; term for a female friend |
94 | Skrrt | Sound of tires screeching; leaving quickly |
95 | Slay | To do something exceptionally well |
96 | Slick | Smooth, clever |
97 | Smash | To have casual sex |
98 | Snack | An attractive person |
99 | Snatched | Looking good, perfect |
100 | Spill the tea | Share gossip |
101 | Spit | To rap or recite lyrics |
102 | Squad | Close group of friends |
103 | Stan | An overzealous or obsessive fan |
104 | Straight up | Honestly, truly |
105 | Suh | What’s up? (greeting) |
106 | Sus | Suspicious |
107 | SWAG | Style, confidence |
108 | Swerve | To avoid or dismiss someone |
109 | TBH | To be honest |
110 | Tea | Gossip, drama |
111 | Thirsty | Desperate for attention |
112 | Throw shade | To insult subtly |
113 | Tight | Close friends; angry |
114 | TL;DR | Too long; didn’t read |
115 | Toxic | Harmful or unpleasant |
116 | Trap | A place where drugs are sold; a music genre |
117 | Troll | To antagonize others online |
118 | Turnt | Excited, wild |
119 | Vibe | Atmosphere; to relax |
120 | Wack | Bad, lame |
121 | Woke | Aware of social issues |
122 | Yada yada | Et cetera, and so on |
123 | YOLO | You only live once |
124 | Zaddy | An attractive older man |
125 | Zoned | Ignored romantically |
126 | Zonked | Exhausted, under the influence |
127 | Boujee | Short for bourgeois; fancy |
128 | Bro code | Unwritten rules between male friends |
129 | Buzzed | Slightly drunk |
130 | Clapback | A quick, sharp response |
131 | Curve | To reject someone |
132 | Dead | Extremely funny |
133 | Emo | Emotional, a style of rock music |
134 | Extra | Over the top, excessive |
135 | Finna | Going to, about to |
136 | Finsta | Fake Instagram account |
137 | Flake | To cancel plans |
138 | Gassed | Excited, confident |
139 | Gucci | Good, fine |
140 | Hangry | Angry due to hunger |
141 | Hits different | Has a unique, special quality |
142 | Ick | A sudden feeling of disgust towards someone |
143 | Iffy | Uncertain, doubtful |
144 | Karen | A demanding or entitled woman |
145 | Keep it 100 | To be honest and true |
146 | Kick rocks | Go away |
147 | Lowkey | Subtle, restrained |
148 | Noob | Newbie, inexperienced person |
149 | On fleek | Perfect, flawless |
150 | Petty | Trivial, spiteful |
151 | Phubbing | Snubbing someone in favor of your phone |
152 | Receipts | Proof, evidence |
153 | Roast | To criticize or mock |
154 | Shady | Suspicious or disrespectful |
155 | Ship | To support a relationship |
156 | Sick | Awesome, cool |
157 | Sleeping on | Underappreciating |
158 | Snitch | To inform on someone |
159 | Soft | Overly sensitive |
160 | Sksksk | Expression of amusement or excitement |
161 | Sip tea | To mind one’s own business |
162 | Straight fire | Extremely good |
163 | Take the L | Accept the loss |
164 | Thicc | Curvaceous, voluptuous |
165 | Throw hands | To fight |
166 | Til the wheels fall off | Until the very end |
167 | Trippin’ | Overreacting, being irrational |
168 | Vibe check | Assessing someone’s mood or attitude |
169 | Wig | Mind-blowing, impressive |
170 | Yeet | To throw something with force; expression of excitement |
171 | Yikes | Expression of shock or embarrassment |
172 | Yo | Hey (greeting) |
173 | Adulting | Behaving like a responsible adult |
174 | Banger | An excellent song |
175 | Basic | Mainstream, unoriginal |
176 | Bod | Body |
177 | Bruh | Brother; expression of surprise or disappointment |
178 | Cancelled | Boycotted or ostracized |
179 | Catfish | To deceive someone online about one’s identity |
180 | Clout | Influence or fame |
181 | Crossfaded | Intoxicated from alcohol and marijuana |
182 | Dab | A dance move; to smoke marijuana concentrates |
183 | Deadass | Seriously, for real |
184 | Dig | To understand or appreciate |
185 | Doggo | Dog (affectionate term) |
186 | Down bad | In a tough situation, desperate |
187 | Finesse | To trick or swindle |
188 | Fit | Outfit |
189 | Fleek | Perfect, flawless |
190 | Floss | A dance move |
191 | Goated | Greatest of all time |
192 | Grift | To swindle or con |
193 | Guap | Money |
194 | Himbo | An attractive but unintelligent man |
195 | Hundo P | One hundred percent |
196 | Hustle | Side job; to work hard |
197 | Issa | It’s a |
198 | Jawn | A multipurpose noun (Philadelphia slang) |
199 | Juice | Influence, power |
200 | Naruto run | Running with arms extended behind |
201 | Nunya | None of your (business) |
202 | On God | I swear, honestly |
203 | Oof | Expression of discomfort or sympathy |
204 | Periodt | Period (for emphasis) |
205 | Phony | Fake, insincere |
206 | Pog | Play of the game; excellent |
207 | Poggers | Excellent, awesome |
208 | Pupper | Puppy (affectionate term) |
209 | Sheesh | Expression of disbelief or exasperation |
210 | Slept on | Underappreciated |
211 | Snapped | Did exceptionally well |
212 | Swole | Muscular, buff |
213 | Thotiana | A promiscuous woman |
214 | Til the wheels fall off | Until the very end |
215 | Whack | To hit; crazy or strange |
216 | Wig | Mind-blowing, impressive |
217 | Yikes | Expression of shock or embarrassment |
218 | Zooted | High, intoxicated |
219 | Bop | A catchy song |
220 | Ight | Alright |
221 | Moot | Irrelevant, debatable |
222 | Okurr | Okay (with attitude) |
223 | Smol | Cute and small |
224 | Zoned | Ignored romantically |
225 | Zonked | Exhausted, under the influence |
226 | Clout chasing | Seeking attention by associating with famous people |
227 | Stan | An overly enthusiastic fan |
228 | Big mood | A strong, relatable feeling |
229 | Cancel culture | The practice of withdrawing support for public figures |
230 | Gaslighting | Manipulating someone into questioning their own reality |
231 | Receipts | Proof, usually screenshots or evidence |
232 | Savage | Fierce, harsh |
233 | Shade | Disrespectful or critical remark |
234 | Thicc | Curvaceous and thick |
235 | Vaxxed | Vaccinated |
236 | Big yikes | Extreme embarrassment or shock |
237 | Canceled | Rejected, boycotted |
238 | Drip | High fashion, stylish appearance |
239 | Extra | Over the top, excessive |
240 | Fam | Close friends, family |
241 | Finna | Fixing to, going to |
242 | Glow-up | Transformation, improvement |
243 | Gucci | Good, great |
244 | Hundo P | 100%, fully |
245 | JOMO | Joy of missing out |
246 | No cap | No lie, for real |
247 | Receipts | Proof, evidence |
248 | Salty | Bitter, upset |
249 | Savage | Fierce, harsh |
250 | Slaps | Really good, especially referring to music |
251 | Smol | Small and cute |
252 | Snack | Attractive person |
253 | Tea | Gossip, drama |
254 | Throw shade | Insult or disapprove |
255 | Vibe | The mood or atmosphere |
256 | Woke | Socially aware |
257 | Yeet | To throw or to express excitement |
258 | Shook | Shocked, surprised |
259 | No cap | No lie, for real |
260 | Periodt | For emphasis |
261 | Stan | Overzealous fan |
262 | Sus | Suspicious |
263 | Tea | Gossip |
264 | Vibe | Atmosphere |
265 | Wig | Impressive |
266 | Woke | Socially aware |
267 | Yeet | Throw forcefully, excitement |
268 | Basic | Mainstream, unoriginal |
269 | Bod | Body |
270 | Bruh | Brother; expression of surprise |
271 | Canceled | Rejected, boycotted |
272 | Catfish | Fake online identity |
273 | Clout | Influence, fame |
274 | Crossfaded | Intoxicated from multiple substances |
275 | Dab | Dance move |
276 | Deadass | Seriously |
277 | Doggo | Dog |
278 | Down bad | In a tough spot |
279 | Finesse | Trick, swindle |
280 | Fit | Outfit |
281 | Fleek | Perfect, on point |
282 | Floss | Show off |
283 | Goated | Greatest of all time |
284 | Grift | Swindle |
285 | Guap | Money |
286 | Himbo | Attractive, unintelligent man |
287 | Issa | It’s a |
288 | Jawn | Thing, person |
289 | Juice | Influence |
290 | Naruto run | Running with arms back |
291 | Nunya | None of your business |
292 | On God | I swear, honestly |
293 | Oof | Expression of discomfort |
294 | Periodt | Emphasis |
295 | Phony | Fake, insincere |
296 | Pog | Excellent |
297 | Poggers | Awesome |
298 | Pupper | Puppy |
299 | Sheesh | Expression of disbelief |
300 | Slept on | Underappreciated |
301 | Snapped | Did well |
302 | Swole | Muscular |
303 | Thotiana | Promiscuous woman |
304 | Whack | Crazy, strange |
305 | Big mood | Strong relatable feeling |
306 | Cancel culture | Withdrawing support |
307 | Gaslighting | Manipulating reality |
308 | Receipts | Proof |
309 | Tea | Gossip |
310 | Big yikes | Extreme shock |
311 | Canceled | Rejected, boycotted |
312 | Clout chasing | Seeking fame |
313 | Vaxxed | Vaccinated |
314 | Glow-up | Transformation |
315 | Okurr | Okay |
316 | Ight | Alright |
317 | Gucci | Good |
318 | Vibe check | Mood assessment |
319 | Shade | Disrespect |
320 | Hundo P | 100% |
321 | Phubbing | Phone snubbing |
322 | Trolling | Provoking online |
323 | Simp | Overly submissive |
324 | Big brain | Intelligent |
325 | Bop | Good song |
326 | Noob | Newbie |
327 | Sksksk | Excitement |
328 | Ship | Support relationship |
329 | Thicc | Curvy |
330 | Spilling tea | Sharing gossip |
331 | Yeet | Throw forcefully |
332 | Snatched | Perfect |
333 | Bet | Sure |
334 | Hype | Excitement |
335 | Goat | Greatest of all time |
336 | Lit | Exciting |
337 | Tea | Gossip |
338 | Yeet | Excitement |
339 | Shook | Shocked |
340 | Big mood | Relatable feeling |
341 | Periodt | Emphasis |
342 | Extra | Over the top |
343 | Savage | Fierce |
344 | Ick | Disgust |
345 | Flex | Show off |
In short, knowing 345 American slang words and phrases is really useful for anyone wanting to get a deeper understanding of American culture. It helps you speak better and connect more easily with different people. American slang keeps changing, so keeping up with it helps you appreciate and navigate the unique culture and social scenes in the US.

Benjamin, a content writer at Paige Simple, brings a practical and motivating touch to everything he writes. With a background in psychology and a love for personal growth, Benjamin enjoys helping readers find joy in everyday moments. When he’s not writing, you’ll find him hiking, practicing yoga, or experimenting in the kitchen. Stay tuned for Benjamin’s tips on living a more inspired and joyful life.